Wednesday, March 22, 2006

While writing my papers I pause to bring you this, world's first ever pictures of MARK's BRAIN. No doubt you have all long been waiting for this!


Blogger Anna P.H. Geurts said...

Oh my gawd! The have sliced Mark's brain!
Can you still talk?&laugh?&...think?

25/3/06 5:36 pm  
Blogger Luuk Mulder said...

Wat zijn dit voor grapjes? een beetje brainscan laten uitvoeren terwijl ik zo ver weg ben? je durt wel he

25/3/06 10:23 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why exactly did you have your brain sliced (and put together again, I trust?)?
I'm afraid neuroscience classes have not made so deep an impression on me as to enable me to see whether your brain is healthy, but from knowing you I'd say: functional, but a tad weird...

28/3/06 11:48 am  
Blogger Isalicus said...

Hehe, why? Money. I'll even have my brain cut open for money :-) In fact: I was in a MRI scanner (and a MEG or something before that, but there's no pictures of that). Made a total of 45 pounds. Nothing wrong with that. It has already been converted into books, if you want ton know. The two tomes of Deleuze and Guattari's 'Capitalism and Schizophrenia' and an introduction to that. I plan to read and discuss these with a friend of mine here over the coming months.

29/3/06 1:51 pm  

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