Sunday, March 05, 2006

Saving Money in London
Forgive my ignorance about matters of the world, but should I be bothered about the State-of-the-world in general when my flatmate informs me £5,= is a very reasonable price for a drink in a club where you'd have just paid £20,= to get in? Not that this ever happened to me, I now feel even safer saving money without going to over-hyped places with names like The Funky Buddha.

Yesterdaynight there was a boatparty for my Halls, so all the people living in this house got on a boat moored right next to the Big Ben and we went up and down the river Thames. So, now we can tick off from the to-do list: seeing London by night from a boat. However, after we passed the Green Line at Greenwich, the prime meridian which is projected into the night sky by a strong green laser, me and my flatmates got so bored we resorted to playing Hangman to pass the time. After we landed again (4 hours later), flatmate went off to see friends at said Funky Buddha, and I am now glad I didn't follow: music was supposedly bland, and her friends she couldn't find. Although drinks she considered cheap at £5,-, at some places £9,- is considered normal : what the fok is wrong with a bloddy pub??? Again, forgive my ignorance about the real world.

And on a final note: I bought a tin of Heinz Spotted Dick the other day.


Blogger Anna P.H. Geurts said...

enjoy your microwaved/steamed 'gevlekte roede'(ahum ahum)

6/3/06 3:59 pm  
Blogger Lanja said...

I read somewhere (BBC? Washington Post? LA Times? Globe and Mail?) that it is cheaper to go party for a weekend in Bratislava than for a night in London. Maybe you and your flatmates should head to Slovakia! ;-)

6/3/06 5:23 pm  

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